Brilliant Arguments

Jury Finds Pool Store Not Liable For Goose Attack

Earlier this month, a jury in Maryland found against a woman who sued a shopping mall and pool store in Rockville after being attacked by a goose while on the mall’s property in 2004. Suzanne Webster said the goose’s ferocious…

Court Rules Spider Bite Not a Valid Defense to Rape Charge

On Wednesday, Philip Speirs was sentenced to eight years in jail on kidnapping and rape charges, despite telling the court that he committed the crime because he had been bitten by a spider.  Speirs told the court that he had…

“American National” Sues All Nine Supreme Court Justices

Brave American citizen Jerry Brumbaugh struck a blow for freedom or something on Friday when he sued the nine current members of the United States Supreme Court for making rulings that have violated his constitutional rights.  Specifically, all of them…