Brilliant Arguments

Racist Dog Rejects Job Applicant

According to a Belgian newspaper, a local businessman rejected a Nigerian job applicant on the grounds that his dog was racist and would probably bite the man.  The applicant was not even allowed to enter the business where he had…

Law Student Claims Discrimination Against Unskilled Typists

I've been meaning to post this for a while—it's not new, but worth having in the Hall of Pleading Shame. Late last year, Adrian Zachariasewycz (or, as his complaint states in paragraph 1, "hereinafter Adrian Zack"), after not being hired…

Professor Will Fight for Freedom of Fecal Expression

Kathleen Ensz will go on trial in May on a misdemeanor charge for "use of a noxious substance," based on an incident last year in which she wrapped some of her dog’s feces in a mailer she had received from…

UPDATE: Deer Season Continuance Granted

I originally wrote about this in September, after it came to my attention that a continuance had been sought in an Arkansas case on the grounds that deer season was about to start and there would be nobody left in…

Ninth Circuit Rejects Right-to-Land-Personal-Jet Case

While the Ninth Circuit is often labeled as a "liberal" court that will accept virtually any civil-rights claim, don’t tell that to Ron Tutor, who is still unable to land his private jet at the airport in Hailey, Idaho.  In…