Brilliant Arguments

Larry Craig Can’t Catch a Break

First the guy in the stall next to him turns out to be an undercover cop, then they won't let him withdraw his guilty plea, then he has to retire from the Senate, now they're all "you can't use campaign…

Actually, We Were Wondering How You Signed the Claim Forms

In May, South Carolina's Attorney General reported that the number of insurance-fraud cases in the state had reached an all-time high in 2013. The report (via Overlawyered) is mostly just numbers, but it does include two or three examples of now-closed cases,…

Judge Rejects the Queen’s Claim for Back Wages

This recent decision by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (thanks, Lachlan) is called The Queen v. Pro Bono Law Ontario, and that name needs some explaining. In the U.S., criminal cases are usually named something like State v. Whoever or United States v. Whoever (or,…

Judge Skeptical of Joe Francis’s Explanation

My guess would be that the headline above would apply to pretty much any explanation Joe Francis has ever given a judge, and probably to any explanation he's ever given, period. In this case it applies to the explanation he…

Judge Posner Blasts Banana Lady

I'm a big fan of using images in briefs and opinions when that is appropriate, and it's hard to think of a more appropriate case than one involving a lady in a banana suit. The specific case I'm thinking of…