
Siberian Tax Collectors Reportedly Holding Cats Hostage

Well, this may be a new low, even for Siberian tax collectors. The Itar-TASS news agency (via the BBC) reported in August that cотрудники Томского управления Федеральной службы судебных приставов, не найдя у должницы другого имущества, наложили арест на четырех…

TSA Confiscates Ray-Gun-Shaped Belt Buckle

As I've said before, we can't just assume everyone at the TSA is an idiot and/or a petty bureaucrat drunk on his or her semi-power. This story confirms that. It suggests that only 40 to 80 percent of them are….

You’re Paying for a Nazi’s Retirement [or Are You?]

Well, that headline isn't entirely accurate. You paid dozens of Nazis and you're still paying at least four of them. According to the Associated Press, "[d]ozens of suspected Nazi war criminals and SS guards collected millions of dollars in U.S. Social Security…

Okay, Somebody Did Survive Being Sucked Into a Jet Engine

Folks, I am sticking by my conclusion that the medical profession really does not need a billing code to indicate a second office visit by a patient whose complaint is that he was sucked into a jet engine. See “Injury Code V97.33XD:…

TSA Turns Away Mute Stroke Victim

KABC in Los Angeles reported on April 5 that our heroes in the TSA had successfully prevented another innocent disabled person from flying. This time it was a stroke victim in a wheelchair who couldn’t answer questions about her expired…

Baby Fingerprinted

Just a quick follow-up to "Baby Indicted" (April 4): Photo: Agence-France Presse, Getty Images He's apparently being fingerprinted by Steve Carell, and frankly this would have made a lot more sense if it had been on an episode of The Office….