
TSA Fines “Naked American Hero” $500

As you may recall, after John Brennan showed TSA agents in Portland he didn't have a bomb by taking off his clothes, they got all upset about it and charges were filed. See "TSA: Wants to See You Naked, Complains When You Get…

Government Bravely Prosecutes Nun for Embarrassing It

On January 28, unexpected snow postponed the sentencing of 83-year-old Sister Megan Rice and two fellow activists in Knoxville, Tennessee. They face up to 30 years in prison for "willfully damaging federal property" (which they did) and "sabotaging national defense material" (which…

FAA Nixes Beer Delivery by Drone

With everything this country is using drones for, they crack down on beer delivery. The video below is a commercial for Lakemaid Beer, brewed in Minnesota, and it shows a small drone being used to deliver a 12-pack of beer…

What? I Said “Trust NASA.” What Did You Think I Said?

Surely this was just a typo: When this is actually what was going on: Based on documents provided by Edward Snowden, the Post reports that the NSA, to which the President seemed to be referring last week, has in fact "broken…

Guess Whose Email the NSA Can’t Read

Its own. Well, NSA employees can read each other's emails, probably. I mean, it wouldn't make much sense to have an email system if your employees couldn't read the emails. Would it? It's just that the NSA can't read its employees'…


TOP SECRET//SI//ORCON//NOFORN From: REDACTEDSent: TODAYTo: YOUCc: xxx REDACTED xxxxSubject: //// SECURITY ADVISORY////REVISED VERSION OF SLIDES DISCLOSED IN WASHINGTON POST — DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK Yesterday you were told not to click on a link that led to classified…