
Lego Gun Incident Ends Better Than Pastry Gun Incident

Actually, the pastry-gun incident (see below) hasn't ended yet, but however that ends it will still be worse. The "New Development[] in Lego Gun Incident" reported by WGGB (Springfield, MA) yesterday was that the school decided it would not discipline…

Naked TSA Protester’s Appeal to Be Heard Tuesday

As you may recall, John Brennan took off all his clothes last April at an airport checkpoint in Portland to protest being hassled by the TSA (they got a false positive on that swab test), and was then charged with…

NOTE: Do Not Kill Yeti Except in Self-Defense

Apparently in response to a request from someone in Washington, in 1959 the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu (yes, Bob Seger spelled it incorrectly) sent back this brief summary of the Nepalese government's "REGULATIONS GOVERNING MOUNTAIN CLIMBING EXPEDITIONS IN NEPAL—RELATING TO YETI." Most…

Witness: “I Bite Him. Bad Man. He Tasty.”

According to officers at the West Midlands Police Station in the UK, the Crown Prosecution Service repeatedly insisted on getting a written statement from "Police Constable Peach" despite having repeatedly been told that "PC Peach" was actually PD (Police Dog)…

City Workers Paint Handicap Space Around Car, Then Tow It

According to CNN Headline News, a sign had been posted three days before the incident depicted below saying that the parking space in question "would be turned into a handicap space." But it's not clear whether the sign said when…

Court Rules Icelandic “Girl” Can Use Her Own Name

The Reykjavik District Court has ruled that a 15-year-old Icelandic girl can legally use the first name "Blaer," reversing a contrary decision by government officials. Iceland has strict naming laws that require, among other things, that names fit standard grammar…

Official Homeland Security Advice: Run & Hide

Well, gosh, this is helpful. Via the Disinformation blog, here's an instructional video produced by the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security in Houston, described as a "Department of Homeland Security Grant Funded Project of the Regional Catastrophic Planning Initiative"…