
The TSA Can’t Tell an Insulin Pump From a Gun

I don't like to let more than a couple of weeks go by without pointing out how pointless and incompetent the TSA is, and so at least for that purpose it's lucky that its employees do dumb things so frequently….

The Freedom of (Ridiculous) Information Act at Work

From What Do They Know?, a UK site run by that makes it easy for people to make Freedom of Information requests or read the results of those made by others: Dear South Wales Fire Service, How many cats have…

Please Report Me If I Am Missing. Thank You.

Via Popehat, here's a notice that is required to appear on all vending machines in Florida under a law that took effect in 2010: As you can see, the notice tells the reader that the notice the reader is reading…

Things You Can’t Do in a Royal Park

According to the UK's Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations, 1997 No. 1639, Reg. 4, it is forbidden to do (among other things) any of the following without written permission in Hyde Park or other land to which said regulations…

School Partially Lifts Ban on Playing With Balls

The Canadian school that banned everything but "nerf balls or sponge balls" from its playground last month after a parent was hit in the head with a soccer ball has backed off, but not by much. After a meeting with parents…

Playground Covered in Pillows for Safety Reasons

Not quite, but one parent suggested this may be the next step in a Toronto school’s stupid, stupid plan. Phase one was to limit the children to “sponge or other soft balls” because things like baseballs, soccer balls, footballs, and…

City Makes Public Statement Regarding the Sugar Plum Fairy

Here's an official statement from the city of St. Charles, MO, on the Sugar Plum Fairy incident. As should be obvious, all italicized and/or bracketed material is my commentary and not part of the official statement. Mayor Sally Faith –…