Consumer Protection

Pearson Returns; Seeks En Banc Hearing in Pants Case

Today brings the expected but still welcome news that former administrative judge Roy Pearson is still pursuing his case against the dry cleaners who allegedly lost his pants (shown, left, at a post-trial fundraiser in their honor).  This is despite the fact…

Americans Still Struggling With Pants

I'm back from Greece, without much to report in terms of legal developments there, at least during the last 2500 years or so.  Not that they didn't come up with some interesting stuff, like ostracizing unpopular politicians for ten years…

Client 9’s Playmate Sues Over “Girls Gone Wild” Video

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, well into her 14th minute of fame due to her affiliation with Eliot Spitzer, has sued "Girls Gone Wild" founder Joe Francis for allegedly taking advantage of her youth and vulnerability by once filming her sans T-shirt….

“The Secret”: Your Path to Happiness, Love, Litigation

Some of you may be familiar with "The Secret," an enormous bestseller that encourages people to follow the "law of attraction," which I thought was something that made people hang out near playgrounds but which turns out to be "an…

Hair Salon’s Reign of Terror Finally Ended

The Baolou International Beauty Salon in the city of Zhengzhou, China, has finally been closed by authorities.  The salon had apparently been terrorizing local residents, who cited a number of incidents in which unsuspecting hair-growers had been vastly overcharged for…