
A Brief Lesson on the Law of Design Defect

In most jurisdictions, the primary (and often the sole) test for whether a product has been defectively designed is whether the risks posed by that design outweigh any benefits it may have (cleverly known as the "risk-benefit test"). The plaintiff…

School Partially Lifts Ban on Playing With Balls

The Canadian school that banned everything but "nerf balls or sponge balls" from its playground last month after a parent was hit in the head with a soccer ball has backed off, but not by much. After a meeting with parents…

Playground Covered in Pillows for Safety Reasons

Not quite, but one parent suggested this may be the next step in a Toronto school’s stupid, stupid plan. Phase one was to limit the children to “sponge or other soft balls” because things like baseballs, soccer balls, footballs, and…

Let’s All Sue Kim Kardashian

Rob Delaney, a very funny comedian who you should be following on Twitter if you do that kind of thing, is threatening to sue Kim Kardashian and her husband what's-his-name for ending their "marriage" after only 72 days: I wish…