
Jesus Told Me to Ram that Car, Says Driver

A driver who rammed another car at high speed outside San Antonio last week told police that Jesus had told him to do so because the other motorist was not "driving like a Christian." In my experience, He is usually…

“Borat” Lawsuits Unsuccessful

Good news for "Borat" (and for "Bruno," who will apparently be featured in Sasha Baron Cohen's next movie) — every case filed to date by people unhappy with the way they were depicted in the film has been dismissed.  The…

Road Rage Getting Medieval

While there are far too many road-rage incidents involving firearms, it is heartening to know that in at least some cases, men are still using the more honorable melee weapons with which their forefathers brutalized each other, back when "road rage" involved…

Americans Still Struggling With Pants

I'm back from Greece, without much to report in terms of legal developments there, at least during the last 2500 years or so.  Not that they didn't come up with some interesting stuff, like ostracizing unpopular politicians for ten years…

Lawsuit Alleges Bat Exposure

Seems like bats are everywhere these days.  While one of them is setting box-office records, a bunch of others are allegedly tormenting Utah schoolchildren.  So says a recent lawsuit against the Alpine School District, alleging that bats infested the school…