
Ride Something Dangerous Down a Hill Today

"Dubuque is overflowing with things to see and do," says, in a statement that's apparently also supposed to apply in January, when the average temperature there is about 26 degrees (-3 in Canadian degrees). Officials are trying to cope…

Woman Alleges Vicious Beagle Slain by Noble Pit Bulls

But not before it bit her, and that's why she's suing the beagle's owners for over $200,000. First of all, I don't think this is one of those cases that involves the debate whether pit bulls are inherently vicious or…

You’re Not Fooling Anybody, Clown

Personally, I have no doubt this was a deliberate attack: Darlene B___ v. Jerusalem Temple Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Praetorian Insurance Company; Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System; George Carden Circus International Inc.;…

Headnote of the Day: Prison Doghouse Incident

The opinion itself is nothing special, but I thought it did become amusing when Westlaw compressed the holding into a headnote: Trustee guard who was forced to ride on top of doghouse containing prison dogs due to space limitations in…

In Other Child-Care News

It is apparently frowned upon to put a child down for a nap and then use duct tape to make sure he stays put. And the problem is what, exactly? According to Reuters, a Texas couple has sued a day-care…

Lawsuit Alleges Duck Attack

KATU in Portland reports that a woman who says she was attacked by a duck at a trailer park has sued the duck's owner. Plaintiff alleges in part that said duck was a repeat offender. According to the complaint (which…

Model Teed Off at Man Who Teed Off on Her

Look, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life, I'm just suggesting that it's a bad idea to put sharp or explosive objects in your butt. Time after time we have seen that does not turn out…