
It Was the Curb’s Fault [Updated]

From a Courthouse News summary of a case recently filed in San Francisco, including a sentence presumably taken from the complaint: Paulina H. v. Flyers Energy LLC et al., CGC-12-525132 (S.F. Superior Ct. filed Oct. 15, 2012) Trip and fall. The unmarked raised…

Justin Bieber Wins First Round Against “Joustin’ Beaver”

Well, this exists: Needless to say, this drew a cease-and-desist letter from Bieber's lawyers, and the company selling the app responded with a declaratory judgment action against Bieber in Florida, where it's located. It portrayed the app as a "parody…

Fire in the Hole! Again!

Some of you may remember a couple of posts from last year (here and here, with a follow-up here) about a woman who sued her ear-candler for allegedly injuring her during an ear-candling, ear-candling being a procedure where somebody sticks…

We Have That Bathroom Problem Again

From a complaint filed in El Paso County, Colorado, in May: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF(Negligence) 8.  Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference each and every other paragraph as though fully set forth herein. 9.  On or about May 28, 2010, Plaintiff…

Never Grip a Tent in a Windstorm

I don't know how many times this has happened to me: Isle J_____ v. Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise, No. 56-2012-00416828 (Ventura County Superior Ct. May 4, 2012) Personal injury. While plaintiff was attending the Cajun Creole Music Festival, the tent next to plaintiff…

Unpowered Superheroes in the News [Updated]

Law novelist and former prosecutor Allison Leotta went to the Washington Romance Writers retreat last weekend. I also considered going, not because I like that genre but because I figured I might well be the only male human there. Another…

March Madness Kicks Off With Ear-Biting Incident

I'm sure this is only the first of many such incidents now that the tournament is underway. In fact, this happened last week after a game involving sixth-graders, so the really high-stakes stuff hadn't even started yet. If Missouri and…