Ninth Circuit Rejects Qualified Immunity in Moon-Rock Sting Case
Maybe the government shouldn’t feel free to treat an innocent elderly woman like a criminal, the opinion strongly suggests.
Maybe the government shouldn’t feel free to treat an innocent elderly woman like a criminal, the opinion strongly suggests.
It seems like they should all have some discernible connection. Doesn’t it?
Probably not the last time this issue will come up.
They are considering changing that to an A, which seems appropriate.
Proof that if you have enough opinions, sooner or later one of them will be right. Just statistically speaking.
Let’s apply the rational-basis test to this one.
The Constitution says one thing, but we do another. Seems odd.
You really don’t.
The bullshit in question being the Fourth Amendment.
The 81-year-old grandmother they stole it from is extremely pissed off.