Crime and Punishment

Adultery Still a Crime in New York

I saw a post on Boing Boing the other day about a list of "dumb laws," which the poster was not sure were real.  They weren't, or at least there were no citations, which always makes me skeptical – there…

The Courthouse: Still Not a Good Place to Assault Someone

Tempers do flare from time to time when practicing law, and sometimes conflict is unavoidable.  But there are still a few basic rules that you really must observe: In modern-day practice, engaging in fisticuffs is generally considered unprofessional. If you are…

UPDATE on “Group Licentiousness” Conviction

Last week I wrote about the conviction of Ma Yaohai, a Chinese computer-science professor who was recently sentenced to three and a half years in prison for organizing what the New York Times called "informal swingers clubs" and what the…

TIP: “Group Licentiousness” Still Illegal in China

On May 20, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported that 22 people had been convicted and sentenced to jail for taking part in "licentious activities," which it appears are criminal offenses in that happy land.  At least if the whole…

Spider-Man Arrested for Battery

Many have rightly praised Spider-Man for foiling that comic-book-store robbery in Australia last week (with the aid of a few super-friends), but some still question whether his brand of vigilante justice is always a good thing. The robbery story reminded…