Crime and Punishment

High Elf Update

As a couple of readers have pointed out (thanks Patrick and Jeff), scored an interview with the high elf who failed in his assault on Morgoth the other day. See "Fingolfin Defeated by Morgoth (This Time in Portland)," Lowering the Bar (May 18). Turns out…

A Good Reason Not to Tattoo “MURDER” on Your Neck

Can you guess? It's because such a tattoo might unduly influence a jury if you are, at some point, charged with murder. At least that was the argument made recently in Barton County, Kansas (Great Bend Tribune), by the defense…

Baby Fingerprinted

Just a quick follow-up to "Baby Indicted" (April 4): Photo: Agence-France Presse, Getty Images He's apparently being fingerprinted by Steve Carell, and frankly this would have made a lot more sense if it had been on an episode of The Office….