Crime and Punishment

Baby Indicted

It’s about time we started holding infants responsible.

Bugles Banned From New 49er Stadium [UPDATE]

I do love good examples of stupid/unnecessary/baffling local ordinances, so let us examine the set being proposed by the city of Santa Clara, California, to address all eventualities that may arise at Levi's Stadium (a.k.a. the "Field of Jeans"), currently…

Losing Plaintiff Hits Defendant With a Truck

Not only is this a crime, it'll still end up being more expensive than an appeal. Although a lot quicker. Braden Robinson had accused the victim of kidnapping, torturing, and killing one of Robinson's relatives, who had supposedly owned part…

Good Riddance to Hampton, Florida?

The New York Times reported on March 10 that the Florida Legislature may abolish the town of Hampton, a one-square-mile craphole northeast of Gainesville that until now was known, if at all, only for being one of the nation's worst speed…

Pacifists Get Jail Term for Making Country Safer

Well, this is stupid. Recently I noted that on February 18, a hearing would be held to determine what punishment should be inflicted on three anti-nuclear activists, one of them an 84-year-old nun, who had the bad manners to break…

Updates on the Video-Rental Crime of the Century

Here are a couple of updates on the saga of Monster-In-Law-video-keeper Kayla Finley. See "Woman Arrested Nine Years After Failing to Return Rented Video," Lowering the Bar (Feb. 17, 2014). First, criminal-defense attorney David Liebow points out that even though South Carolina doesn't have a statute…