Crime and Punishment

Edwards Jury Asks for “the Haircut Letter”

Well, this can't be a good sign — for John Edwards, anyway. The jury that is currently considering whether to convict him for alleged campaign-finance violations asked yesterday for a copy of the "haircut letter." Elderly rich person "Bunny" Mellon,…


A woman defended herself with a "pooper scooper" for nearly half an hour while a man tried to hit her with another pooper scooper in Plymouth Pillars Park early Thursday, according to the Seattle Police Department. There don't appear to…

Alleged Wallaby Harborer Gets Probation

According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, a Pennsylvania man accused of harboring a wallaby has pleaded no contest to that charge, and was sentenced last week to one year of probation. Now comes the part where I go learn something about…

Phoenix Jones Apparently Has a Nemesis

"Rex Velvet" describes himself as a "supervillain," but I'd probably be rooting for him if there were ever actually a showdown with Jones and his crew.   Given the excellent production values, this is probably just a gag (and a…

It’s Not the Droids We’re Looking For, Actually

Obiwan Kenobi, who it seems ended up retiring to Roseville, California, was arrested on Saturday after an investigation pointed to him as the alleged culprit in a hit-and-run. Kenobi fled the scene, presumably leaving behind only an empty robe that officers…

Unpowered Superheroes in the News [Updated]

Law novelist and former prosecutor Allison Leotta went to the Washington Romance Writers retreat last weekend. I also considered going, not because I like that genre but because I figured I might well be the only male human there. Another…

Also, Ted Nugent Shot a Bear

Trying to get back on track here, you see. It's not news that Ted Nugent shoots things, or even that some of the things are bears, but it does seem worth mentioning that it is illegal to shoot too many…

You + Crime + Police Car + Facebook = Arrest

Self-explanatory: WYMT-TV in Letcher County, Kentucky, reported on Tuesday that the 20-year-old gentleman who appears in this picture he posted on Facebook had been arrested and charged with theft for siphoning gas from a police car. Police were able to…

Yet Another Gladiator Fight at the Colosseum

On Thursday, apparently while I was finishing up the earlier piece on Rome's gladiator problem, another fight broke out at the Colosseum when police showed up to evict the two guys protesting the permit requirement. A gaggle of twenty-five other…

Rome Still Having Trouble With Gladiators

A few days ago these jokers climbed up on the Colosseum to protest the fines they got for bothering tourists. As you can see, they are sort of dressed like Roman legionaries or gladiators, except for the blue jeans, and…