Crime and Punishment

Three Items Added to Bank-Robbery Checklist

Bruce Carton at Legal Blog Watch has added three items to his growing checklist for bank robbers, which seems like an extremely handy reference that I bet bank robbers don't even thank him for.  With the new additions, it appears…

Man Cited for “Rocking Out” to John Denver Tunes

Responding to what must be the first and only nuisance complaint ever based on the music of John Denver (based on its volume, anyway), police in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, ticketed a man on January 13 after neighbors complained the Denver…

Deputy Tracks Fugitive Through World of Warcraft

Alfred Hightower had been on the run since 2007, when a warrant was issued for his arrest on drug-dealing charges.   Hightower was apparently from Kokomo, Indiana, but had fled to Canada.  His downfall, though, was that he spent a…

Mug Shots of the Year

The Smoking Gun, the nation's top source of remarkable mug shots (among other things), has posted its selections for the top 20 of 2009.     As you can see, that one is only #10. Link: The Smoking Gun

One Possible Class-Action Defense Strategy: Disappear and Live in a Tent

In class-action cases we generally recommend removing to federal court if possible, moving to dismiss, and then swiftly taking class representatives' depositions if the motion is not successful.  There are other strategies, however.  Here's one that we could not officially recommend,…