Crime and Punishment

Cat Blamed For Pornography

Police in Florida say a man accused of possessing child pornography has claimed that his cat downloaded the material while he was in the other room.  The officers immediately apologized for the intrusion and everyone laughed about the crazy things…

Bank Teller Fired For Catching Robber

Jim Nicholson, a bank teller in Seattle, heroically chased and subdued a man who tried to rob his bank last Tuesday.  On Thursday his employer, Key Bank, somewhat less heroically fired him. Nicholson was working when a man in sunglasses…

Muslim Clerics Issue Cell-Phone Fatwa

A panel of Muslim clerics in northern India have issued a fatwa prohibiting the use of cellphones, at least in certain un-Islamic ways. If they will extend this to the BlackBerry, I might be willing to convert. A fatwa, you may…

Rambo Cupid Fires Arrows Around Minnesota Neighborhood

Police in Burnsville, Minnesota, said that Kyle Fletcher went out onto his patio deck on April 3 with a powerful compound bow and fired several arrows into neighboring homes in an effort to impress a woman.  Police found arrows embedded in…

Police Stop of Ax-Wielding Bike Rider Found Justified

In a classic opinion of which I have just learned, the California Court of Appeal ruled in 1998 that police were in fact justified in detaining a man they saw on a bicycle at 3:00 in the morning, primarily because…