Criminal Defense

Poorly Faked Heart Attack Fails to Result in Mistrial

This story shows the importance of proper training before appearing in a courtroom, even (well, especially) if one has decided to represent oneself.  And depending on the strategy, acting lessons may be a good idea. Keison Wilkins may have thought…

Posner Affirms Conviction, Laments Ostrich Myth

On June 25, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the conviction of Conrad Black, one of several former newspaper executives found guilty last year of defrauding their company out of millions of dollars.  In a bad sign for the defendants, the opinion…

Charges Dropped in “Weekend at Bernie’s” Case

New York prosecutors dropped charges today against two men who had been charged with a number of offenses resulting from an attempt to cash a Social Security check in January.  The problem, as you may recall, was the body they…

Japanese Bikini Model Uses Self as Exhibit

Serena Kozakura was convicted last year of property destruction, after a man accused her of kicking a hole in the door of his room so she could get inside.  Since Kozakura is a well-known pin-up and bikini model in Japan,…