Criminal Defense

Man Accused of Weasel-Related Assault is Acquitted

The Seattle Times, which proudly and rightfully boasts that it is the "Winner of Eight Pulitzer Prizes," will not win another one for its coverage of this story, I'm sorry to say. But this December 7 report did at least…

Another Motorized-Beer-Cooler DUI

A 23-year-old Australian man has been fined $500 as a result of being caught driving drunk. Christopher Petrie appeared in court on Monday, but a continuance was granted so that everybody could research the question whether the motorized beer cooler…

Warren Jeffs Fires Defense Team, Now Represented by God

Everybody wants God on their side, but über-polygamist Warren Jeffs is apparently getting legal advice directly from Him. Jeffs, who is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), is on trial in Texas…

Judge Buys Sleepwalking Defense to Assault Charges

The Calgary Sun reports that a judge has found a man not guilty of a brutal assault (actually, "not criminally responsible by reason of a mental disorder"), accepting the defense argument that the man suffered from "parasomnia." That is, the…