Criminal Mind, The

TIP: Get Legal Advice Before Turning Yourself In

Sometimes you have a big decision to make and it's the kind of decision for which you really do need legal advice. This is sometimes expensive, but an attorney may be able to answer important questions for you. Such as—and…

Bad Shirt for a Burglary

There are at least two problems here. First, the bright red color is likely to make you highly visible, which is good if you’re trying to cross the street safely but not so good if you’re crawling through somebody’s window…

Bad Disguise #5: Shorts on Head

For many people, the facial area is perhaps the most recognizable area of the body, and for that reason an effective disguise will cover that area almost completely. It is important not to cover the eyes, which are the two…

Inmate Sues Himself for Violating His Civil Rights

Here's another example of autolitigation, which like the story in yesterday's post is not new but is worth adding to the archive. Unlike the story in yesterday's post, however, in which it was not inconceivable that there might have been some…