Criminal Mind, The

Man Arrested After Stuffed-Monkey Assault

No, it isn't illegal to assault a stuffed monkey – luckily for my dog, who has murdered several – but it is illegal to assault someone with such a monkey, although you'll probably get away with it unless the victim is…

Man Calls 911 to Report Hookers’ Breach of Contract

You'd like to think that, at least during the holiday season, people would try harder to get along and to keep their promises to one another, even if the conduct they're all engaged in is technically illegal. But if they…

Man Sues Couple He Kidnapped

“The couple gained [their kidnapper’s] trust by eating Cheetos and drinking Dr. Pepper with him while watching the movie ‘Patch Adams.'” Then, they violated that trust.

Have-Lunch-Nearby Getaway Plan Succeeds!

It was only about a week ago that I mentioned the poor track record of the strategy of sitting down for lunch in the vicinity of your crime, and now here's a case where this actually may have worked. Last…

How to Get Back at Your Ex: First, Kill a Bear

It’s too bad Clyde Gardner gave up on his first plan for killing his ex-girlfriend, because step one involved an encounter between him and a bear. Most likely, no one would have had to bother with Clyde Gardner any more…

Police Skeptical of Suspect’s Claim to Be Invisible

Here's some free advice. If you find yourself telling someone that you are "invisible" and "unstoppable," and the person you are telling that to is a police officer, you are neither one of those things. I guess that's really all there…