Criminal Mind, The

Man Demands Hot Sauce at Gunpoint

As we've seen many times, it is rarely a good idea to take the law into your own hands, even in response to the most dastardly outrages such as an inexplicable condiment omission. And yet it continues to happen. On…

Plan to Reel in Extortion Money Fails

An elaborate and yet also stupid scheme to extort money from a potato-chip bakery in Ohio failed this week when police were able to track the payoff money to a suspect after dropping it off as instructed. Their strategy: watch…

BREAKING: Bin Laden Caught After Tripping on Saggy Pants

Okay – after watching this surveillance video many times, I'm now prepared to concede that it's unlikely to be bin Laden. (Among other things, he was reportedly much taller and not known to drink Bud Light.) But I'm also prepared…