Criminal Mind, The

Bad Santas Attack Swedish Royal Palace

Weirdness never takes a holiday, and so neither does Lowering the Bar. Well, every once in a while, but not today. The Swedish bureau reports that a pair of Santas attacked two guards at the Swedish royal palace in Stockholm…

How the Great Kansas City Meerkat Caper Unraveled

According to a report in the Kansas City Star, the stolen meerkat just proved to be too much for the teenage masterminds to handle: [Police] said the teens [19 and 17] grew up in the same Northland trailer park and had…

Quaids: Lohan, Spears, Gibson Also in Danger From Star Whackers

Randy and Evi Quaid appeared on "Good Morning America" on Monday to discuss their allegations that they and other celebrities are being victimized by a shadowy group of embezzlers, assassins, or possibly embezzling assassins, who they refer to as the…

Questions Not to Ask Police, #47

"Are there any warrants out for my arrest?" is one question that you should consider not asking the police, or at least not asking in person. It's just awkward if the answer turns out to be yes. This happened in…

Update: Caffeine/Sleep-Deprivation Defense Fails

Reports last week were that the lawyer for Woody Will Smith would argue that Smith was not responsible for murdering his wife because he had done so while suffering from a "brief psychosis" due to lack of sleep and heavy…

Yet Another Reason Not to Wrestle Your Snake in the Parking Lot

The Associated Press reports that "[t]wo men were arrested after bewildered diners at a McDonald's spotted them wrestling a 5-foot (1.5 meter) python named Boris in the restaurant parking lot, police [in Melbourne] said Thursday." I don't think the diners…