
Ferguson Grand Jury Evidence (WARNING: NON-COMEDIC POST)

Not that the outcome isn't a real hoot, but this is really just to provide a couple of links for those who are interested. First, this New York Times page has all the grand jury evidence in one place, including testimony,…

Court Unconvinced by Lawyer Dressed as Thomas Jefferson

Today in Least Surprising Updates:  The Kansas Supreme Court unanimously held on November 14 that Dennis Hawver would be disbarred for violating <stops to count> seven ethical or court rules when representing a defendant who was ultimately sentenced to death….

The Mansons Are Registered at Bed Bath & Beyond

Not even kidding: As I'm sure you know by now, or if not I'm telling you, Charles Manson and Afton Elaine Burton were issued a marriage license on November 7. The bride is an attractive 26-year-old who hails from the…

Teacher Pleads No Contest to Toilet-Shooting Charge

Yes, the story is "kind of funny," the prosecutor admitted, but "it is also serious." He was referring to the September 11 incident in which an elementary-school teacher ended the life of a school toilet with her 9mm handgun. He…

I Bet That Finger Wasn’t Even Loaded

If I spent a little time searching I could probably find an example of a less effective robbery, but this'll do for today: The suspect said, "Give me your wallet or my buddy will beat you up," but the victim…

Coma-Faker Pleads Guilty to Fraud

Doesn't seem like it should have taken two years to establish this, but it turns out Alan Knight was lying when he claimed to be quadriplegic and/or comatose in order to avoid court appearances and delay his prosecution. He even…

Good Reason to Kill #17.1: Lost at Beer Pong

Oh dear. This new example (thanks, Steve) is funnier than the original #17, mainly because nobody died. Had I foreseen that beer pong would be the cause of another potentially life-threatening dispute, I'd probably have waited, but such are the…

Beer Verdict Reversed in Alcohol Case

The Journal Sentinel's headline for this one, "Judge Beer's verdict for underage drinker goes flat on appeal," is at least as good as mine and more descriptive. (Thanks, Scott.) Judge James Beer did indeed rule in favor of someone caught drinking…