NOTE: Trying to Blow Up an ATM Could Backfire
Santa has committed numerous crimes over the years, but usually he's either acted alone or conspired with others posing as Santa. It seems doubtful that everyone participating in SantaCon was in on this bank robbery, but you never know. According…
Well, one of them looks like this: According to the BBC (thanks, Harry), this guy stole two CCTV cameras on Sunday, taking his own mugshot in the process. The image was first posted on the police department's Facebook page, but…
So said John Huget, a brave Canadian who was forced to grapple with one in the early morning hours of May 31 after finding it in his living room. This zebra was able to grapple because it was actually a…
If you committed a crime in Texas and are planning to ask for leniency because you were raised in a wealthy and privileged household, you might want to hurry. This is assuming you actually need to ask, which in most…
With remarkable timing, someone sent me this item just as I was publishing a post about what to do and not do when encountering officers at internal checkpoints. I did mention that you should "not do anything crazy," and just…
Not that the outcome isn't a real hoot, but this is really just to provide a couple of links for those who are interested. First, this New York Times page has all the grand jury evidence in one place, including testimony,…
Today in Least Surprising Updates: The Kansas Supreme Court unanimously held on November 14 that Dennis Hawver would be disbarred for violating <stops to count> seven ethical or court rules when representing a defendant who was ultimately sentenced to death….
Your options for furnishing the cell of Charles Manson and/or the nearby hovel of his future bride have expanded somewhat. This is according to, which is the sort of thing I was hoping my colleague Amy would know about, but no,…
Not even kidding: As I'm sure you know by now, or if not I'm telling you, Charles Manson and Afton Elaine Burton were issued a marriage license on November 7. The bride is an attractive 26-year-old who hails from the…