
Bad Disguise #5: Shorts on Head

For many people, the facial area is perhaps the most recognizable area of the body, and for that reason an effective disguise will cover that area almost completely. It is important not to cover the eyes, which are the two…

Second Zamboni DWI Reported

The Smoking Gun reports that a 34-year-old arena employee was arrested Monday night in Minnesota for driving while intoxicated. Witnesses reported the man was driving erratically, which responding officers confirmed when they saw him “struggling to maneuver” his vehicle. And…

Inmate Sues Himself for Violating His Civil Rights

Here's another example of autolitigation, which like the story in yesterday's post is not new but is worth adding to the archive. Unlike the story in yesterday's post, however, in which it was not inconceivable that there might have been some…

Balloon Stolen

Have you no sense of decency, Minnesota balloon thieves? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? A smiley-face balloon, no less. Not since someone stole two bags of juggling equipment and a unicycle during the 2006 Flatland…

If Pajamas Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Wear Pajamas

I guess that slogan does work better for guns, probably because that's something people might conceivably care about. At least, until recently it honestly hadn't occurred to me that the wearing of pajamas, even in public, could cause any controversy….

Have You Been Offered a Tortoise in Unusual Circumstances?

If so, please contact the British Transport Police, who are looking for two hibernating tortoises that were in the trunk of a green Mazda 325 that was stolen on Saturday. “As well as being valuable,” said Constable Kristene Mikkonen, “the…

Man Arrested After Stuffed-Monkey Assault

No, it isn't illegal to assault a stuffed monkey – luckily for my dog, who has murdered several – but it is illegal to assault someone with such a monkey, although you'll probably get away with it unless the victim is…

Feinstein Bill a Great Step Forward for the Illusion of Civil Rights

While most people were getting ready for New Year's, President Obama was happily signing the National Defense Authorization Act (as Jonathan Turley discusses here). As you may recall, the NDAA contains a hilarious provision that requires anyone accused of terrorism to be detained…