
Joe Francis Arrested Yet Again

You know, I'm starting to think that Joe Francis has no respect for either women or the law. Francis, the creator of Girls Gone Wild, or as once described him, the "alleged arm-twisting sexual aggressor and loathsome Girls Gone…

Another Motorized-Beer-Cooler DUI

A 23-year-old Australian man has been fined $500 as a result of being caught driving drunk. Christopher Petrie appeared in court on Monday, but a continuance was granted so that everybody could research the question whether the motorized beer cooler…

Evidence You Have Too Much Money

1. You own an iPad. 2. You own a fancy case for your iPad. 3. You paid $500 for your iPad case because it's part of The Bernie Madoff Collection, which means it's made out of Bernie Madoff's old clothes….

Arizona Man Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail for Car Murder

Further evidence that our rights continue to dwindle: now it's apparently illegal for a man to put his own Camaro out of its misery. Police in Kingman, Arizona, said that Lauriano Lovato had become fed up with his car after…

Three Follow-Ups

Let's return to some prior stories and see how things have developed. I. Escape Proves Temporary In 2009, I reported that repeat offender Ronald Tackman had escaped from a holding area in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he was awaiting trial,…

Warren Jeffs Fires Defense Team, Now Represented by God

Everybody wants God on their side, but über-polygamist Warren Jeffs is apparently getting legal advice directly from Him. Jeffs, who is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS), is on trial in Texas…