
Bank Teller Fired For Catching Robber

Jim Nicholson, a bank teller in Seattle, heroically chased and subdued a man who tried to rob his bank last Tuesday.  On Thursday his employer, Key Bank, somewhat less heroically fired him. Nicholson was working when a man in sunglasses…

Swine-Flu Defense Fails In DUI Case

Back in the day, as I recall, we blamed (or tried to blame) el Niño for pretty much everything, but now it seems to be swine flu – I mean, the H1N1 virus.  At least, blaming H1N1 is apparently all the rage in…

Nevada Supreme Court to Pretend to Consider Bail for O.J.

Nevada's highest court (and its only appellate court) will hear oral argument on August 3 as to whether O.J. Simpson should be allowed to go free on bond while he appeals his conviction for that gun-waving memorabilia negotiation he conducted…

Meat Thieves Captured

Police in Spokane, Washington, reported last week that they had arrested the ringleader of a meat-stealing operation that has plagued stores in the area for some time.  Christopher Webber was booked last Thursday on charges of "leading organized crime."  Specifically,…

When To Give Up Crime

When you are beaten and subdued by two 19-year-old Hooters girls.  This is a relatively clear sign that you are in the wrong line of work. Last month in Loganville, Georgia, a 40-year-old man saw two girls walk into a…

Muslim Clerics Issue Cell-Phone Fatwa

A panel of Muslim clerics in northern India have issued a fatwa prohibiting the use of cellphones, at least in certain un-Islamic ways. If they will extend this to the BlackBerry, I might be willing to convert. A fatwa, you may…