DSUWI (Driving Something Unusual While Intoxicated)

Second Zamboni DWI Reported

The Smoking Gun reports that a 34-year-old arena employee was arrested Monday night in Minnesota for driving while intoxicated. Witnesses reported the man was driving erratically, which responding officers confirmed when they saw him “struggling to maneuver” his vehicle. And…

Another Motorized-Beer-Cooler DUI

A 23-year-old Australian man has been fined $500 as a result of being caught driving drunk. Christopher Petrie appeared in court on Monday, but a continuance was granted so that everybody could research the question whether the motorized beer cooler…

DUI Charge for Driver of Motorized Bar Stool

If you have been paying attention, you should know by now that you can be charged with driving under the influence no matter what sort of vehicle you are driving.  In the past we have seen DUIs handed out to people riding…

Motorized Cooler Driver Faces DWI Charges

I have already written about a number of non-automotive drunk driving charges, including incidents that involved "vehicles" such as riding lawnmowers, horses, and at least one Zamboni.  Not wanting to repeat myself, I passed on covering another recent riding-lawnmower DUI…