Elections & Voting

Candidate’s Platform: “I Don’t Plan to Do the Job”

Evidently a strong believer in smaller government, Ed Hamilton says that if elected he will shrink the size of the government in Kerr County, Texas, by at least one job—his own. Hamilton, a 77-year-old Republican, says that the position of…

“Californian For Obama” Says He Has Done Nothing Illegal

Last week, a spokesperson for Barack Obama’s campaign said that a group called "Californians for Obama" had been asked to close up shop despite its success to date in raising over $10,000 in campaign contributions.  Among their concerns: the group…

Hungarians To Vote On Siesta Referendum

Apparently eager to be as democratic as possible now that they have the chance, Hungarians have repeatedly exercised their new ability to put referendums on the ballot.  The only ones that have passed so far were the two in which…

Andy Griffith Running for Sheriff in Wisconsin

In what seems like an unfair move — how could you not vote for "Andy Griffith" to be your sheriff? — a music store owner in Grant County, Wisconsin, changed his name from "William Fenrick" to "Andy Griffith" upon entering…