Elections & Voting

Goat-Slayer Running for Senate

Some say Augustus Sol Invictus sacrificed a goat to the pagan god of the wilderness and then drank goat blood. Actually, HE says that. But he has denied being a fascist who wants to start another Civil War, so let’s not jump to conclusions.

Gerrymanderers Miss One Person

As you probably know, “gerrymandering” is the practice of redrawing the borders of a voting district for a specific purpose, usually if not always to make sure it has more of your supporters than opponents in it. This is nothing…

You Think So?

This was one of Louisiana's two senators last week, dropping some knowledge on Chuck Todd of NBC News: I'll be very, very honest with you. The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. —Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.),…