Elections & Voting

Texas Votes to Secede

Well, not exactly. It would be more accurate to say that enough people have signed a petition in favor of allowing Texas to secede that the White House will have to issue a formal but in no way binding response…

Woman Arrested for Voting

In 1872, but still. Here are two things I did not know until recently: Susan B. Anthony was actually arrested, tried, and convicted of the crime of voting while female. The "B" stood for "badass." According to "The Trial of…

UPDATE: Birthers’ Record Is Worse Than I Thought

Last week I mentioned that the lawsuit (if you can call it that) filed against me, the President of the United States, and a number of other dignitaries by birther/dentist/lawyer Dr. Orly Taitz had been dismissed. I also mentioned having seen…

Texas Settles With Previously Dead Voters

According to the Austin American-Statesman (via Courthouse News), the lawsuit filed by Texas voters who had been told they were "potentially deceased" has been settled. See "'We're Not Dead, Say Texas Voters Informed They Were Dead," Lowering the Bar (Sept….

“Politics is Weird. And Creepy.”

So said Shepard Smith of FOX News back in May (doing some catch-up today). Newt Gingrich had just withdrawn from the race, and although the primary had been vicious ("[Gingrich] was a failed leader and he had to resign in…