Elections & Voting

Women’s Suffrage: a “Costly and Dangerous Experiment”?

After I noted that a U.S. Supreme Court justice had said in an interview that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't apply to women (hint: it wasn't Ginsburg, Kagan or Sotomayor who said this), someone wrote me to ask why,…

Judge Enjoins Oklahoma Ban on Islamic Law

As I noted last week, one of the stranger outcomes of this year's midterm elections (not stranger than California rejecting Prop 19, but still) was the success of an Oklahoma ballot measure that makes it illegal for the state's courts…

Odd Election Results

Various Democrats and Republicans and so forth won their various races and blah blah blah. Here are a few possibly more interesting results from yesterday's elections. Rhode Island voters rejected a measure that would have changed the state's name, which…

Two Ways to Get the President’s Attention

Author's Note: Alternative titles you may prefer, depending on your political persuasion: Somebody Finally Throws the Book at Obama or Public Still Eager to Donate to Democrats This blog makes an effort to be non-partisan, so please select from the…

“Naked Cowboy” Announces Presidential Bid

Well, why not. Here's just a partial list of what this election year has offered so far (and it's only mid-October): An attack ad run by a candidate for coroner in Orleans Parish portrayed the incumbent coroner as Dr. Frankenstein….