Elections & Voting

Elvis Presley Running for Governor of Arkansas

I thought he was currently located in Tennessee, but I admit I have not followed his career that closely. An Elvis-Presley-impersonator named Elvis Presley filed with the Arkansas Secretary of State on Wednesday as a write-in candidate for governor.  He…

Why Poland Has Three Presidents Today

According to FOX News, the fair-and-balanced (and, as it turns out, accurate) source of Polish-presidential-succession information, Poland had three different presidents today (July 8), depending on what time it was. When he woke up this morning, Bronislaw Komorowski was the…

Comedian-Led Political Party Wins Big in Reykjavik

The best party in Reykjavik's local elections this year was the Best Party, a party made up largely of comedians and actors led by "Iceland's most famous comedian," Jon Gnarr.  Gnarr's party won the largest single share of votes in…

Back Waxing Becomes Issue in Florida Senate Race

Taking the high road in his campaign for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination, Florida Governor Charlie Crist suggested on Monday that his opponent in that primary, Marco Rubio, might have used a Republican Party credit card for personal expenses, and…

Attorney Convicted of Voting Seeks Pardon

As you may have heard, things have not been going so well for New York Governor David Paterson, who has announced he will not run for another term.  Another scandal has since come to light (although considering what the previous…

Demon Sheep Still Focus of California GOP Primary

Faced with what is shaping up to be a marketing disaster of legendary proportions, the Fiorina campaign is furiously spinning the Demon Sheep ad as something that was deliberately planned to attract as much attention as possible.  It has certainly…

Marriage Illegal in Texas, Says Candidate

Barbara Ann Radnofsky, formerly a partner with Vinson & Elkins and now a Democratic candidate for Texas Attorney General, has pointed out the uncomfortable fact that a 2005 amendment to the state constitution, which was designed to ban gay marriage, may in fact…

Missourians Elect Another Dead Man to Office

In April, voters in Winfield, Missouri, elected Harry Stonebraker to a fourth term as mayor.  He won an overwhelming victory, taking 90 percent of the vote.  He had also been dead for about a month. Stonebraker died on March 11,…