Employment Law

Well, Somebody Doesn’t Know What “Homophones” Are

It's either Clarke Woodger, who reportedly fired an employee for blogging about them, or people for whom English is a second language. It is plausible to think many in the latter group might not know what "homophones" are, but to…

Good Reason to Kill #41: Employee of the Month

It's an old story, really: boy believes he should be Employee of the Month, girl is chosen instead, boy and girl argue, boy shoots girl's car. It still seems worth mentioning, though. According to CBS Miami, a Broward County man was…

Of Course the Dress Code Does Not Apply to the Savior

Partners can usually get away with violating a dress code, as long as they aren't being too outrageous. This is especially true of senior partners, and if the senior partner in question is also the Savior, well, He could wear…

Allegedly Handsy Mayor of San Diego May Resign Friday

The San Diego Union-Tribune is reporting that Mayor Bob Filner may resign on Friday as part of a proposed settlement of a sexual-harassment lawsuit against him and the city. As you may recall, more and more women have come forward to…

No, You Can’t Force Your Employees to Be Scientologists

So says the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in this press release, describing a lawsuit it filed today (May 9) against a Miami company. According to the EEOC, the company required employees to take Scientology courses and engage in a variety…