Employment Law

Racist Dog Rejects Job Applicant

According to a Belgian newspaper, a local businessman rejected a Nigerian job applicant on the grounds that his dog was racist and would probably bite the man.  The applicant was not even allowed to enter the business where he had…

Philippine Police Warned Not to Walk Too Gaily

Police officials in the Philippines were targets for criticism last week for discriminatory comments made by Samuel Pagdilao, chief superintendent and spokesperson for the Philippine National Police.  Pagdilao had warned police that they might be subject to administrative charges for…

Employees May Not Be Fired for Insulting Boss, Says Court

Before you all erupt in either glee or rage (depending on your position), please be aware there are two conditions for applying this rule: (1) you must be in Malaysia, and (2) the insulting must be done behind your supervisor’s…

UPDATE: Spankee Awarded $1.7 Million; Will Appear on “Oprah”

An update to last week’s story on the employee who sued after being spanked during "camaraderie-bulding exercises" at a Fresno company — the jury awarded her $500,000 in actual damages and another $1.2 million in punitives.  The plaintiff, Janet Orlando,…

Broker, Employer Battle over Reasons for Firing

Jim Whitehouse is suing his former employer, RBC Dominion Securities, for wrongful dismissal.  He was fired in early 2004 but the parties dispute the reason for the firing. Whitehouse testified that he felt it was due to friction over his…