
Someone Else Not to Friend on Facebook: Your Victim

Best not to have victims at all, of course, but if you must, keep them at arm’s length. FindLaw reports (via WHDH.com) that a thief was arrested in Taunton, Massachusetts, after accepting a “friend” request on Facebook by an unknown person…

2010 Ig Nobel Prize Winners Announced

I'm a big fan of the Ig Nobel Prize(s), awarded every year by the editors of the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. At least a few of this year's winners conducted research that might be of some distant relevance to the…

From the Docket: Satan’s Employees, Dangerous Doors

These are third-party summaries of a couple of cases filed recently in San Francisco Superior Court. This first one seems to involve a party admission of the kind you just don't get that often: Rabbi ______ v. Mark Hopkins Intercontinental…

Update on the Fraudulent Photoshopper

Daryl Simon seems to have included his bogus charity photos in an appendix to his sentencing memorandum, but I was unable to find that on the court’s docket.  It may not have been posted yet, but that seems odd given…

Watch Those “Jury Duty” Tweets, People

I was on NPR's Science Friday show this week, yapping about how lawyers are using Facebook profile information as evidence (summary: we use it all the time, if it might be relevant), and one of the topics we discussed is…

Internet Proves Pigs Can Fly, Judge Says

He was being just a tad sarcastic, but he did say it. On April 6, the California Court of Appeal vacated a lower court's ruling that Steven Martinez should be granted a "compassionate release" from prison because he is a quadriplegic….

Ape in Court

Seems like there is always some humor in store anytime an animal shows up in court.  I guess there was that one time it didn't go so well: Even then, though, the chimpanzees were kind of funny.  (It's those friggin orangutangs…