Free Speech

San Francisco Passes Weiner Proposal

Well, by the narrowest of margins (6-5), San Francisco's Board of Supervisors voted on November 20 to pass Supervisor Scott Weiner's controversial ordinance requiring people to wear pants in public. Under the newly added Police Code Section 154: A person…

Divided Court Rules 4-3 That Lap Dances Are Not “Artistic”

The ruling by New York's highest court means that the revenues derived from said dances are taxable, because they are not entitled to the exemption in state law for "dramatic or musical arts performances." The majority appears to have compared…

Seismologists Convicted of Not Predicting Earthquake

Well, I was just wondering the other day what if anything had ever happened with that ridiculous case in Italy where seismologists were charged with manslaughter—manslaughter!— for telling people not to worry too much about an earthquake (which then happened). See…

Justin Bieber Wins First Round Against “Joustin’ Beaver”

Well, this exists: Needless to say, this drew a cease-and-desist letter from Bieber's lawyers, and the company selling the app responded with a declaratory judgment action against Bieber in Florida, where it's located. It portrayed the app as a "parody…

Polar Bears Busted

Russian police have something to learn about giving arrestees the chance for a photo op, although I’m glad they haven’t learned it yet. First they take our ice cap, now this This was one of four polar bears arrested (along…

The Money Isn’t Getting

In a bag In funny shapes As I think I mentioned, Carreon dismissed his lawsuit against Matt Inman (The Oatmeal) the other day when it became clear he was likely to lose. There’s a good post on the whole saga…

Carreon v. The Oatmeal: Plaintiff Continues to Dig [Updated]

As Popehat has already covered in detail here (see also Adam Steinbaugh), Charles Carreon has again escalated his frivolous lawsuit against Matthew Inman (creator of The Oatmeal), IndieGoGo, and two charities (the American Cancer Society and the National Wildlife Foundation). This…

Carreon v. The Oatmeal [Updated]

Here's the complaint, courtesy of Matthew Inman's lawyer, Venkat Balasubramani. Well, this is the caption. Although by filing this, the plaintiff has of course made all of his contact information public, I still feel the need to try to redact…

The Guy Continues to Mess With The Oatmeal

Last week, I mentioned the fact that Matthew Inman, author of the hugely popular humor site The Oatmeal, had been threatened by a lawyer for a site called after Inman dared to complain that FunnyJunk had copied and reposted many…