Homeland Insecurity

Has the TSA Searched Your Car? Yet?

If so, this reporter would like to speak to you, according to the watchdog group TSA News. Oh, by the way, the TSA is apparently searching cars now: According to this report from WHEC in Rochester, NY (same source), a…


TOP SECRET//SI//ORCON//NOFORN From: REDACTEDSent: TODAYTo: YOUCc: xxx REDACTED xxxxSubject: //// SECURITY ADVISORY////REVISED VERSION OF SLIDES DISCLOSED IN WASHINGTON POST — DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK Yesterday you were told not to click on a link that led to classified…

TSA Has Objected to Lightsabers Before

After my post about the TSA's concern over Peter Mayhew's simulated fictional weaponry ("TSA Questions Chewbacca's Lightsaber," June 10), I heard from Patrick Smith, a professional pilot and author of (among other things) the long-running column Ask the Pilot at Salon.com…

TSA Questions Chewbacca’s Lightsaber

Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca, is almost 7' 3" tall, and because of his size (and possibly his age) he has some trouble getting around. He walks with a cane (it's designed to look like a "lightsaber") and…