Homeland Insecurity

Potential Terrorist Baby Still at Large

Well, I have good news and bad news. Artist's impression The bad news is that the TSA was unable to prevent a baby from bypassing a security checkpoint at Newark International Airport on Friday, and did not notify airport police of…

TSA: Too Sad for an Acronym

One more just to complete the trifecta, and then I will try to get a little more lighthearted. We've recently seen the TSA harassing the elderly, the very young, and now … the disabled. (Also the nude, but in that case…

TSA: Tiny-Suspect Assaulters

Have to keep this short lest my head explode, and because of work, but another story of TSA thuggery currently circulating is this one, in which our heroes uncover a possible conspiracy between a four-year-old and her grandmother to smuggle…

TSA: Terrorizing Seniors in America

"Can you imagine an 85-year-old lady and a 95-year-old retired Air Force major in wheelchairs being treated like terrorists?" said Omer Petti. I sure can. I can easily imagine that, because this is the United States in 2012 and the…

Just Say No to Government Trouser Invasion [Updated]

Via the blog of security expert Bruce Schneier, here's an excerpt from a very funny post by journalist and lawyer David Allen Green about an encounter he had with airline security at Heathrow last year: “Sir, your trousers.” “Pardon?” “Sir, please…

Hello! You’ve Been Targeted for Assassination!

Great work by Ruben Bolling on this week's Tom the Dancing Bug cartoon. No, that's not the whole thing. Click here or on the image to see the full cartoon at Boing Boing. It's worth it. Because what's funnier than the death…