
TSA: Timely Sword Advice

I can't say that every video on the TSA HQ Public Affairs YouTube channel is stupid, because I'm not going to watch them all. I do feel safe saying that they are all probably stupid, and am on fairly solid ground saying…

Town Sues All Its Citizens

Technically, just all the registered voters, but since 61 of the 65 residents are registered, it's almost the same thing. The April election in Montezuma, Colorado, was controversial to begin with because it was the first contested election in more…

Meanwhile in Florida, Pants Continue to Vex

As the nation wrestles with difficult issues of race, violence, civil rights, and foreign entanglements, one community has yet another seemingly intractable problem to deal with: saggy pants. Actually, as long-time readers will know, many American communities have struggled with…

SWAT Team Called to Deal With 90-Year-Old Woman

No one was harmed in this incident, no shots were fired, and the officers did not use force, at least not more than necessary to take a 90-year-old woman into custody. Nor is anyone going to press charges, according to…

CIA Admits It Spied on Senate Investigation of CIA

Dianne Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), Mar. 11, 2014: [I have] grave concerns that the CIA's search [of Senate computers] … may have undermined the constitutional framework essential to effective congressional oversight of intelligence activities…

TSA Employees Still Unsure About District of Columbia

This happened in February ("I Don't Think We Accept These," Says TSA Agent, Peering at D.C. License") and apparently it just happened again: When {Justin Gray, WFTV News] handed the man his driver's license the agent demanded to see Gray's…