
To Boldly Snoop Where No Snoop Has Snooped Before

Gen. Keith Alexander now runs the NSA but he used to be in charge of the Army's Intelligence and Security Command. Here's what he spent your money on while he was there: What is that, exactly? This: When he was…

Another Hiring Triumph for TSA

There has been no shortage of news about bonehead TSA employees, which is surprising for an agency that has recruited security personnel by advertising on pizza boxes. But it really outdid itself when it hired Nna Alpha Onuoha, who until Tuesday…

And No Warrants Shall Issue, Unless the King Says So

In what is surely an incredible coincidence, the partner of the reporter (Glenn Greenwald) who has been embarrassing the NSA over the past few weeks was just detained at Heathrow airport under the Terrorism Act, held for nine hours, questioned…

What? I Said “Trust NASA.” What Did You Think I Said?

Surely this was just a typo: When this is actually what was going on: Based on documents provided by Edward Snowden, the Post reports that the NSA, to which the President seemed to be referring last week, has in fact "broken…

Guess Whose Email the NSA Can’t Read

Its own. Well, NSA employees can read each other's emails, probably. I mean, it wouldn't make much sense to have an email system if your employees couldn't read the emails. Would it? It's just that the NSA can't read its employees'…

Has the TSA Searched Your Car? Yet?

If so, this reporter would like to speak to you, according to the watchdog group TSA News. Oh, by the way, the TSA is apparently searching cars now: According to this report from WHEC in Rochester, NY (same source), a…


TOP SECRET//SI//ORCON//NOFORN From: REDACTEDSent: TODAYTo: YOUCc: xxx REDACTED xxxxSubject: //// SECURITY ADVISORY////REVISED VERSION OF SLIDES DISCLOSED IN WASHINGTON POST — DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK Yesterday you were told not to click on a link that led to classified…