
Lego Gun Incident Ends Better Than Pastry Gun Incident

Actually, the pastry-gun incident (see below) hasn't ended yet, but however that ends it will still be worse. The "New Development[] in Lego Gun Incident" reported by WGGB (Springfield, MA) yesterday was that the school decided it would not discipline…

Does Eric Holder Know?

Nope. He does not:   Of course, neither did Alberto Gonzales, or if he did, he didn't recall:   Now, I don't know whether it's worse to not know anything or to not recall anything. I mean, if you don't…

TSA: Terrorist Source of Amusement

After years of puzzling over it, I think at last I understand the TSA’s strategy for dealing with terrorism: make them laugh so hard they’ll all have strokes or something. Yes, it has publicly sought crack security personnel by advertising…