
Dramatic Bomb Scare Probably Ends Uneventfully

This was posted on Reddit and according to a commenter there it's from the local paper in Hudson, Ohio. The image is a little blurry so I'll transcribe it: HUDSON—A Sullivan Road resident called police to report a "suspicious package"…

Checking Him Twice

Source: NBC News. Hope your holiday travels go better than Santa's have.

Official Homeland Security Advice: Run & Hide

Well, gosh, this is helpful. Via the Disinformation blog, here's an instructional video produced by the Mayor's Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security in Houston, described as a "Department of Homeland Security Grant Funded Project of the Regional Catastrophic Planning Initiative"…

Threatening Snowglobe Administration Lifts Some Restrictions

Good news! As Bruce Carton reports, the TSA has decided to modify its existing snow-globe policy to make it easier for the traveling public to transport its snow globes this holiday season. Since at least 2009, as I mentioned here,…

San Francisco Passes Weiner Proposal

Well, by the narrowest of margins (6-5), San Francisco's Board of Supervisors voted on November 20 to pass Supervisor Scott Weiner's controversial ordinance requiring people to wear pants in public. Under the newly added Police Code Section 154: A person…

City Pays Protection Money to Stop Serial Litigant

Like California's "Unfair Competition Law," a favorite of consumers outraged by such things as sailors fraudulently marketing crunchberry-flavored cereal and soap that did not attract women as allegedly promised, disability-access laws are also frequently misused. Access for the disabled is a…