
TSA Manages to Reach a New Low

Every time you think the TSA has hit rock-bottom, it manages to find yet another dung-filled sub-basement to wallow in. From the Orlando Sentinel: John Gross remembers frantically trying to scoop up his grandfather's ashes and wondering why the Orlando…

Don’t Forget to Sign Up for the “Do Not Kill” List

A number of sources (including the Wall Street Journal) report that someone has used the White House's "We the People" website to start a petition asking it to create a "Do Not Kill" list similar to the "Do Not Call" list…

Please Don’t Hurt Nessie, Either

Speaking of cryptozoology, Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources would like whoever put a sculpture of the Loch Ness Monster in the Chippewa River to come get it out of there. I guess this would be pseudocryptozoology. According to the report, the…