
Bad News for Those in Quest of Roadkill

In May, I reported that it looked like it would soon be legal in Illinois to take or possess "fur-bearing mammals found dead or unintentionally killed by a vehicle along a roadway," given that the state Senate had just passed the…

German Police: Body Scanners Are Useless

After a ten-month test of the same scanners currently irritating many U.S. travelers, German federal police have concluded that they aren't worth using. This appears to be largely because, according to the report, the scanners "triggered an unnecessary alarm in…

TSA Officer Learns How It Feels to Be Groped

Speaking of groping, as you know there have been any number of incidents in which travelers have been treated horrendously by TSA screeners, and only one (to my knowledge) in which the TSA has paid anybody. They have been given near-immunity for what would be sexual assault in any…

TSA Finds Something

In the interest of fairness, I thought I’d point out an instance where TSA officers actually found something potentially dangerous before it got on board a plane. I’m not sure how many times this has happened in the ten years…

Who Watches the Watchmen? [Updated]

My concern is that if they've decided this rule doesn't apply to them, where will it end? Before you know it, they'll be failing to fully respect the Fourth Amendment. I don't have a source for this picture (please let…

Flight Diverted Due to Passenger Nudity

I'll never understand airport security. The same people who insist on seeing you naked then get all upset if you take your clothes off. Make up your minds! For once, alcohol apparently played no part in an incident of this…

TSA Settles With Woman Whose Top Was Pulled Down

I'm glad to see these people finally having to pay someone, but $2,350 is not enough for this. The 24-year-old plaintiff alleged that at the Corpus Christi airport in May 2008, she was selected for an enhanced pat-down, sufficiently enhanced…