
Please Welcome Colonel Sanders

Houston Chronicle, May 30: [Texas state] Rep. Ken Legler on Monday arrived on the House floor wearing a cream white suit, string tie and carrying a cane and a KFC bucket of chicken. He walked through the lower chamber doors…

Roadkill-Scavenging Soon to Be Legal in Illinois

Good news, Illinoisans Illinoisians Illinoisites people of Illinois – it may soon be legal to retrieve the carcasses of certain unfortunate mammals commonly referred to as "roadkill" and retain them for personal use (presumably eating or skinning). HB 3178, passed…

TSA Says Baby-Frisking Justified

"TSA defends frisking of baby at KC airport," reads the headline of this item, and really they had me at "TSA" but I'm glad I kept reading. I don't know how I missed this picture, since it has apparently been…

New Jersey Township Passes Chicken-Sex Rule

In a meeting Monday night, the governing committee of Hopewell Township, New Jersey, finally passed chicken legislation it had been working on for no fewer than three years. Among other things, the measure requires the chickens to practice safe sex….

We Wouldn’t Be Much Worse Off, Either [UPDATED]

On a lighter TSA-related note — — the Washington Post is also running a Peeps diorama contest. Notice the Peeps being peeped at by security Peeps on the naked-Peep scanner (top right). Update: The contest is over, it seems. Although…

At Long Last?

Two videos, both worth watching. This one is frankly a little hard to watch:   This one is easier and should be watched over and over again:   Different context, obviously, but I think the basic sentiment applies: When are…

Man Charged With Wiretapping for Using Phone During Traffic Stop

According to the New Hampshire Union Leader (via Slashdot), police in the town of Weare charged a man with unlawful "interception of oral communications" – a felony – because he used his phone during a traffic stop. According to police, the call…

Another Fake Air Marshal Nabbed by Real Ones

A Delta passenger is in some trouble after he was overheard falsely identifying himself as a federal air marshal on a flight to Boston last week. The trouble came about because there was a real air marshal on board, who…

TSA: Fourth Amendment = Terrorism

Via The Legal Satyricon, here's another tale involving our heroes at the Trouser Search Administration. Aaron Tobey, a 21-year-old student is suing the TSA and other officials, alleging that he was unconstitutionally and illegally detained after he took his shirt…