
Canadian Asks for Politeness, Gets Pepper Spray

Canadian asks U.S. border guard to say “please,” Canadian gets faceful of pepper spray.  It’s a fairly simple equation. I think this is in the USA PATRIOT Act, actually. The man conceded he had made the request for politeness “repeatedly,” but opined…

Fake Air Marshal Busted by Real Ones

Sure, it's nice to not have to worry about being late for your plane because you are a U.S. air marshal.  Turns out they will hold the plane for you and even let you on if the gate has already…

Judge Rules Poker Is Game of Skill, Not Chance

Recently, a South Carolina judge ruled that poker is a game of skill and not a game of chance.  The issue was before him because state police — apparently with little else to do — have been raiding private poker games,…

Kentucky Prohibits First Responders From Dueling

Originally, this post was about a debate over a Kentucky law that requires the state Office of Homeland Security to give God credit for being a vital member of its staff. Section 39G.010(2)(a) of the Kentucky Statutes requires the office's executive director…

Blagojevich Now Giving “Closing Argument”

Having refused to show up at what he called an unfair "kangaroo court," making the rounds of talk shows instead, soon-to-be-former Governor Rod Blagojevich said on Wednesday that he had decided he would make an appearance at his own impeachment…

DHS Says Scanners Successfully Detect “Mal-Intent”

Amid all the post-election [euphoria]/[depression] (choose one), it should not be forgotten that, behind the scenes, the Department of Homeland Security is still quietly on the job. And that is still terrifying. The DHS reported recently that tests of its…

“Torture Memo” Author Detained in Oakland

He was "detained" only because of a mechanical problem with a plane on which he had hoped to fly to the Ninth Circuit conference in Sun Valley, Idaho.  But former deputy AG and "torture memo" author John Yoo‘s failure to…