
Two Louisiana Cities Join Latest Wave of Low-Pants Legislation

The city council of Alexandria, Louisiana, has chosen to join other municipalities that are bravely fighting against the greatest scourge of our day, namely the problem of people wearing low-riding pants that do not conceal all of their undergarments.  On…

Atlanta Joins Those Bravely Fighting Low-Pants Epidemic

The Associated Press reports today that a proposed amendment to Atlanta’s indecency ordinances would target baggy, low-riding pants that allow portions of the wearer’s underwear to be seen.  The ordinance would make "the indecent exposure of [one’s] undergarments" in a…

Canadians Get More Leeway to Joke in Airport-Security Lines

Last week, The Canadian Press (like our Associated Press, but Canadian) reported on a bulletin issued in May by the Canadian Air Transport Safety Authority that urged staff to use more discretion when reporting someone for making jokes about airport…

Decisions Loom in $54-Million-Pants Case

According to Washington Post bloggers, a decision in the Pants Case is expected by Monday, possibly this afternoon.  With any luck, the court’s opinion will be available for immediate posting and review. Also, Marc Fisher reported this week on the…

Today’s NY Crime Quiz

What do all of the following people have in common? "Fat Frank" Esposito, indicted as an associate of the Bonnano crime family. Frank Capello, arrested for possession of crack cocaine. Nesly Dorce, arrested four times for burglary and drug possession….